Greetings, Worthy Travelers and Valiant Homunculi!


It has been a bustling month at TalesGameStudio, and we are excited to share some of the strides we have made. With Tales being our debut as a studio, it is a satisfying feeling to witness the synergy between the teams working. While Mo and Ibi are crafting epic stories with dark twists and mysterious encounters—writing, painting, and refining them to be as immersive and captivating as possible—our programmer Georges and Sergej are diligently implementing new features in our hand-crafted game engine.


All efforts are currently focused on the text-adventure side of Tales to complement our existing world and movement game loop. Let's have a closer look...

The main game loops

The movement Just like a traditional roguelike, "Tales" has a gridmap the player can navigate in a roundbased style. The tiles are categorized in 2 groups: On the one hand generative bioms packed with adventure, loot and fights; On the other hand landmarks and story places. Wandering over the expanse of lands sorrounnding the Towers, you are to decide which place you want to engage with.


The adventure This is what waits behind every place on the map. Here you meet friend and foe, make life or death decisions and have access to the deeper game mechanics like fighting, crafting, sacrifice and many more. One of the core adventure mechanics is resource gathering.


The Illustration of Gathering Adventures

Welcoming the recent influx of new arrivals from the Pixel Art Subreddit, we have dedicated a significant portion of the second issue of "The Tale of Tales" to documenting our artwork creation process. This issue particularly highlights how the nested paths of gathering adventures are being illustrated. While gathering resources from a biome typically yields immediate results, unexpected events sometimes add an element of surprise and action.


Youtube Video


A Fluttering Note

"The Master has been gone too long now; even the tower seems to groan under his absence, showing signs of decay in its dark corners. My course is set; I will seek for him…

The alchemist in her chamber remains silent, but what could she know that the Master hasn't already revealed to me? I dare not think about the thing in the basement. My course is set; I will seek for him…

When I reached the gate, I could see the light of a grim sun, and my eyes took a while to adjust. Perhaps I needed a moment to gather the courage to step outside, but once I passed the gate, I ran swiftly.

I walked through an old battlefield, rusty weapons and armor; soldiers' graves. So this is where our tower now stands. I left it behind without looking back until I reached a forest, and everything disappeared behind the trees. Even though I can no longer see it, I can still feel it.

My course is set; I will seek for him…"



Our course is indeed set, steering towards the implementation of the fight system. More about that in the next update. Thank you for following us on this journey!